Ken's Dream - Classic beauty with large flowers!!


Nelumbo nucifera


A classic beauty! Edible tubers

Flower Color: White with Pink
Plant Height: Tall, 48” and taller
Flower Type: Single or Few, less than 20 petals 
Pot Size: 20” and wider, 12”-18” deep

Ken's Dream is a living expression of the cooperation between America and China in the Auburn University Lotus Project. This hybrid was produced by Dr. Daike Tian, a Chinese doctoral student from China working under the supervision of Dr. Ken Tilt, the Project's lead professor from Auburn University. The hybrid is a cross of the American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, and Space Lotus 36, a Chinese lotus that resulted when lotus seeds were sent into space to test lotus seeds' ability to withstand the increased radiation and zero gravity of space travel. This lotus will become the focal point of your garden with its green leaves and very large classic flower. The single-petal flower has very broad creamy white petals that a have a pink picotee on the first day, changing to white with a tiny bead of pink on the apex of the petals by the third day. 

If this lotus is grown in a large space the tubers will be quite large and delicious!


Large lotus varieties need large pots! This is a large lotus variety that needs a pot at least 20” or wider and 12” or more in depth. Be sure to fill the pot at least half full of soil to help offer support and stability for the leaves. Deeper soil allows them to withstand strong winds and keeps the heavy flowers and buds from falling.

How do I fertilize lotus? When do I fertilize my lotus?

Wait until the lotus plant has several floating leaves or begins to put up aerial leaves before adding fertilizer. Choose a good fertilizer such as Waterlily World Tablets, Pondtabbs or Landon’s Aquatic Fertilizer and follow the instructions carefully. The amount of fertilizer to use is usually based on the size of the pot and the amount of soil in the pot. For example, most of the small tablets are added at a ratio of 1 tablet per gallon of soil in the pot. Once the lotus has started to grow vigorously tablets can be added every 3-4 weeks. Stop fertilizing in late summer to allow the lotus to use up all the fertilizer in the pot before going dormant. This encourages the lotus to form better tubers.