About Us
Ten Mile Creek Nursery was started in 2004 by Bill Bancroft, a graduate of the Auburn University School of Horticulture. The nursery, located south of Hartford, AL, is crossed by a creek fed by cool freshwater springs that have never been known to go dry, even in times of severe drought. Bill was mentored during the start-up process by his grandfather, J.P. Kennedy, who owned and operated Ten Mile Creek Fish Farms for more than 40 years. Mr. Kennedy was one of the first commercial growers of tilapia in the southeastern United States. Bill recently graduated from medical school.
The nursery now belongs to Ben Bancroft. Ben is a graduate of Auburn University, holding degrees in Aquaculture and Electrical Engineering. Developing the edible lotus market is a passion for Ben.
Laura Bancroft is a graduate of Auburn University (MS, Secondary Education, Biology) and the University of Alabama (MA in Secondary Education-Science). Laura helps manage ornamental production and is in charge of shipping for both wholesale and retail production.
It is our goal to provide our customers with beautiful, quality lotus plants while being a good steward of land and water resources. Best management practices are studied and implemented in order to ensure that the land and water shepherded by the Kennedy family for generations will be preserved for many more generations to come.
Laura at Chenshan Botanical Garden in Shanghai, China
Ben harvesting Hubei #3 Edible Lotus